In the waiting room (Bretagne)

My basecamp for the road trip is located in the Bretagne, nearby Dinan. Here starts my road trip with the camping car, but first some last preparations have to be finished.

I‘ve planned in roughly two weeks for the preparation time. All the packing, the filling-up of supplies, the installation of my rear view cameras and some other things were on the to do list. Unfortunately the starter motor happened to be defect. But, fortunately, it was possible to order a replacement in no time via internet and pick it up at a garage in Dinan. The replacement was not a big deal and the machine starts perfectly now. But the rain interrupted the works frequently and it was unusually cold. So my nice schedule was overthrown and it was a hard test for my wanderlust. 

Surprisingly there was a little diversion with a concert of the Hard-Rock band Kadaver, who come from my hometown Berlin and played at the club Nouvelle Vague in Saint Malo. It was a nice and small gig because, apparently, there seems to be a rather small rock scene in the Bretagne.

Kadaver im Nouvelle Vague

And there was also now and then the chance to discover the surrounding areas. Normally I experience the places just in high-season and summertime. It was fascinating how quiet and empty they could be off-season. But also the nature was still in hibernation mode

Typische Villa in Dinard

Finally, after three weeks, everything had been packed, the supplies were stocked and the car was ready to go.

And on the first test-run even nature seemed to have woken up since first signs of spring on fields and in gardens could be seen.

And now, my trip to the West could start.

Cheers, Thomas